Custom domain set up not working


Why is this Domain setup still marked as verification pending, I configured this more than 4 days ago
Please help me resolve this and verify SSL is present, need the custom domain safe to use


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Hi @Moises_Mata, We are experiencing some issues in verifying from our provider trying to fix it ASAP!

Hi so, any news? any idea of ETA for this to be solved?

Hi @Moises_Mata we are switching out provider and expect this to be resolved in 2 days.

Still not solved, what happened?

We’re having the same issue. We inquired on May 3rd, and we still have yet to hear from anyone. We’ve followed up 5 times. We have gotten zero response.

@JC808 @nbwbsr @Moises_Mata Custom Domain Verification NOT WORKING - ETA ON FIX? - #5 by karan