🧨 New Updates July 30, 2024

Hi Community, This week’s update is here bringing new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Here’s what’s new:

:sparkles: New Features:

1. Facebook Meta Pixel Integration

  • We’ve added support for Facebook Meta Pixel, allowing you to track user interactions and gather valuable analytics data. This integration will help you optimize your marketing efforts and better understand your audience.

2. Bulk Room Delete

  • Managing your Heybase rooms just got easier! You can now delete multiple rooms at once, saving you time and effort when organizing your spaces.
  • NOTE: You will first need to Archive rooms then you can delete them.

:hammer: Bug Fixes:

3. Guest Link Creation Issue Fixed

  • We’ve resolved an issue where creating guest links would sometimes result in an undefined error. You can now generate guest links smoothly without encountering this problem.

We hope you enjoy these new features and improvements. As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please post here.

:pray: Thank you for using Heybase!