No longer receiving e-mails when someone visits a site

Up until approx two weeks ago, we received e-mails whenever a prospect visited the site.

Has this feature been removed?

Thank you.

Hi @GaryK since we have launched new analytics and a notification panel email notification are in progress. We will push it with the next update probably next week.

thank you. this feature is extremely helpful in allowing us to connect with leads when they’re on the site.

Absolutely, do you have any suggestions on how we could further improve this feature?

Just restore it, please :slight_smile:

please share the new ETA for this. thank you!

Hi @GaryK most probably this thursday we will push next update.

Please share an ETA. Thank you.

Hi @GaryK, Apologies we weren’t able to include that in last week’s update. We will surely add this in tomorrow’s update.

This funcitonality is not working again. When will it be fixed?

@shubham Please provide an update on this feature. We really rely on this to determine when to follow up with people.

Hi @GaryK, Apologies on constant delay on this … it will be live tomorrow.

@shubham Is this live?

There still seems to be an issue. Please advise ETA?

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@shubham please update

@shubham would really appreciate you getting back to your community on this. thanks.

@shubham @karan Would REALLY appreciate someone replying to us here with a realistic ETA. If you’ve depricated the feature, please let us know. Thank you!