Custom Domain Stopped Working

My custom domain stopped working in newly created rooms. It is still active for older ones.

In my custom domain page, it says, “Verification Pending”. But when clicking “Verify”, it says the domain has been successfully verified. Then, I still see “Pending”.


I also had it working before, and it suddenly became verification pending.
So there must be something wrong.

Hi @User0124 @CG_Samuel, we are upgrading our domain name server to fix frequent issues related to custom domain. Please till tomorrow we will send release notes and details.

@CG_Samuel @User0124 ,

Apologies for the delay in resolving this issue. We were rolling out new version of Heybase and our entire infrastructure was under maintenance due to it. Everything is fine now and you should not experience any more issues.

:pushpin: Check the announcement here:

:pushpin: Guide on fixing custom domains: